A new year.
New things.
A peek into the Chief Principal’s office reveals an executive, brand new, brown, working desk; one which gives an imposing look that befits the senior most office in the esteemed College. This together with the new chairs and drapes give the office a completely different look.
The visitors lounge takes a new look too; beautiful, well curved, red seats promise visitors a comfortable reception as they view College information on the digital notice board while they wait to be served in the various offices.
A fresh coat of paint for what have been shabby looking staff offices was all that was required to transform them into something fresh, something appealing to the eyes, a more pleasant environment to work in. The Dining Hall and Kitchen have also received a touch up which has brightened up the interior of the refectory.
Having bid farewell to the long serving Dean of Students Mrs. Tabitha Mwaniki we ushered in the new Dean – Pastor Charles Mureithi,

The new Dean of students – Pstr Charles Muriithi
Deputy Dean- Susan Obimbo and two Assistant Deans – Martin Kanake and Anne Macharia who all work hand in hand with the Senior Master in charge of boarding Mr. Joshua Ndung’u and the Senior Mistress in Charge of Guidance and Counselling Mrs. Mary Kiuna. We wish the expanded office of the Dean well as they carry out their duties.
Susan Wanjohi- Senior Master, Languages